
Debbie Cowperthwaite is an experienced Real Estate Agent with over 7 years in the real estate industry. Native to Maine, she knows the land and understands the value and quality of life of living in Maine. Her vast range of skills and years of experience has provided her with the assets required to help you find the home of your dreams or find the perfect buyer for your current home. No matter where you are looking, in the rural woods of Northern Maine or the tranquil life in Bangor, Debbie can help you!!
Currently Debbie has listings for land, camps, cottages and in-town homes. Because of Debbie's association with Realty of Maine she has access to hundreds of properties for sale and hundreds of buyers – so if you don't see it on the website email her with your specific request and she will do her very best to help you find the home of your dreams. |
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